APPI-Technologyis a French manufacturer of wireless communication equipment for mobile teams in off-network areas.
The company designs, industrialises and markets a range of radio intercoms (Full-duplex, from 300m to 2 Km), as well as gateways allowing access to conventional (3G/4G) networks.
APPI® technologies are used in our products, or can be integrated into other systems to simplify communication for people working in hostile environments (noisy, confined, etc.), in defence, civil security or industry.
The range of products, (APPI-Com/ APPI-Smart), fits all situations to maintain a natural conversation everywhere, and possibly relay communications and/or alerts (immobility, disconnection) to the “outside world”.
The mission of APPI (Active Protection Personal Instrument) is to improve the Personnel’s Safety by offering robust and simple to use systems to create a “life line” between the interveners.